Governor Green talks to health care workers at a bill signing.
The Hawai‘i Healthcare Educational Loan Repayment Program (HELP) continues to offer critical support to our health care workforce, repaying student loans for doctors, nurses and social workers. This $15 million program has already provided scholarships to 1,200 individuals, with plans for 900 more in the next two years. The program has been further strengthened with a $5 million contribution from Salesforce co-founder Marc Benioff. In exchange for two years of service in Hawai‘i, health care professionals in dozens of specialties can qualify for loan repayments capped at $50,000.
Act 047 is viewed a potential solution to the state’s shortage of nearly 800 physicians. The legislation received endorsements from more than 155 health care professionals and a survey of physicians at the John A. Burns School of Medicine found that eliminating the GET on medical services could be an effective means of recruiting and maintaining more physicians.